News & Events

CDG Career Day 2014
Condray Design Group believes in the importance of education and is always excited to help the community by volunteering and providing presentations to K-12 students during Career Day. This year, CDG staff members, Stacey Mincey and

Groundbreaking at Lubbock Children’s Health Clinics
Staff and Board Members of the Lubbock Children’s Health Clinic gathered to break ground at the site of a new clinic in East Lubbock. The project will also include an expansion and renovation of the clinic

TORCH Convention
Staff members, Stacey Mincey and Rosa Salazar, attended the annual convention for the Texas Organization for Rural and Community Hospitals (TORCH) at the Omni Hotel in Dallas, Texas on April 10-12, 2014.

Ribbon Cutting at the 1-27 Medical Center
The UMC Physicians Network Services I-27 Medical Center was completed and opened for business in December 2013. At 9,006 square feet, it includes x-ray facilities, physical therapy, work simulation spaces, audiometry evaluation, as well as procedure

Ground Breaking at Coon Memorial Hospital Emergency Department
Officials gathered to break ground at the site of the new Emergency Center and Respiratory Therapy Addition at Coon Memorial Hospital in Dalhart, TX on the afternoon of January 10, 2014. The new areas will total

CDG Color Week 2013
Condray Design Group staff embraced color in a week-long celebration during the first annual CDG Color Week. Staff was asked to wear a different color theme each day. It was so successful that it stands to

Grand Opening at the UMC J.T. and Margaret Talkington Supportive Care Unit
University Medical Center staff and guests gathered for a grand opening reception at the J.T. and Margaret Talkington Supportive Care Unit in the 3rd floor of the West Tower on September 27, 2013. The renovations include

Groundbreaking at the I-27 Medical Center
Spaces included in this clinic will be x-ray facilities, physical therapy and work simulation spaces, audiometry evaluation, as well as procedure and exam rooms. Upon completion the I-27 Medical Center will be 9,006 square feet and

Ribbon Cutting at the Express Care Clinic in the South Plains Mall
At just over 1,500 sq. ft., this new outpatient facility hosts three exam rooms, lab and testing equipment, an office, nurse station, reception, and waiting area. The clinic is located directly in front of the children’s